Monday, July 2, 2007

Mind over matter

Yippee. It’s my ‘happy birthday’. No, I’m not turning 5 hoping dad would get me a new tricycle, nor am I turning 16, wondering what my boyfriend will gift me. I am turning… well that’s not really the point. But every year I have the same feeling – a feeling that this day is in some way special – a day that’s mine – mine only. Is it ok to be excited on your birthday when you have a two year old daughter whose birthday is coming up? Well, why not. Didn’t Mark Twain say – “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!”
So here I am, enjoying my birthday, like I have always –reminiscing old birthdays(ohh… those college birthdays were the best!), replying to email wishes, talking to friends who remembered to call and making a list of those who forgot(they surely will get a earful) . It's been a great day , it's going to be a wonderful evening with my dear ones and it’s going to be really sad when this day ends. Dear birthday, I am going to miss you. Come soon.


Mayur said...

Hi Anu,

Is that really you? Can;t believe.. So long.. I somehow bumped into this thread.. god know from where .. And it was like finding a good old lost friend and may be on a day when she may or not remember me... Happy Birthday.. Keep Writing.. I will be back...


मीनाक्षी said...

Mark Twain say – “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!”
Your birthday is coming again. I am sure you are counting days.
I love your short and sweet posts. keep writing 👍🏼!!