I was cleaning up my kids’ wardrobe; segregating their
clothes - winter clothes, Goodwill clothes, play clothes - when I started
- Only about 40% of clothes had been utilized a 100%. No surprises that these were the ones that were easy to iron or needed no ironing at all. And they were all dark in color.
- Also ironically, the least utilized ones were the ones that looked really good on them. These were the save-it-for-special-occasions clothes that had eventually ended up in the uselessly-outgrown stack.
- The hand-me-down pile going out of the house was really small. Most of my boy’s old jeans were ripped near the knees. Most of my girl’s jeans, though 3 sizes smaller now, she still wore – as Capris. Talk about forever size zero!
- The girl’s side of the wardrobe had encroached onto the boy’s. (Who hasn't gone to get a blue shirt for their son and bought three new dresses for their daughter along with it?)
- For the girl, the intersection set of the clothes that I liked and approved of and the clothes that she liked and wanted to wear seemed very small. And this set was getting smaller, I noticed, with each passing year.
- And weren't they potty trained now? Did they really need that many under wear?
- And what a hopeless optimistic I am, keeping all those solitary socks!
Spring time is good. It makes me clean up the space and get
rid of the things I no longer need. I wish I could do that exercise for my mental
very well said !!! I hope we are learning a lesson from all this !! :)
Interesting article. I think spring cleaning should not be just limited to the Spring :):)
My comment is always same.Keep writing & now keep cleaning
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